New Buffett Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations on receiving the Susan T. Buffett Foundation (STBF) Scholarship beginning Fall 2024! What a tremendous accomplishment and opportunity you have achieved!

As a Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation Scholarship recipient, once you accept your award you automatically become a member of the Thompson Scholars Learning Community, a.k.a. the TSLC. Funded by the Susan T. Buffett Foundation, the TSLCs were named in honor of Susie’s father, William H. Thompson. There are three TSLCs located on the UNK, UNL, and UNO campuses. At UNL, our TSLC is known specifically as the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community, or “WHT” for short.

In Fall 2024 our WHT Learning Community will include about 1,000 members, and you will join our first-year cohort group of approximately 240 freshman scholars. We understand that transitioning from high school to college can be challenging and want to support you in having the best possible experience. Over the summer you’ll be paired with a WHT Program Coordinator and an upper-class WHT Peer Mentor who can provide key information, suggestions, and resources. When you arrive on campus, they can also assist you in navigating classes, meeting people, and accessing a wide variety of academic and social opportunities to help you adjust, enjoy, and thrive at UNL.

For your convenience, here are links to some of the next steps you’ll take to get ready for Fall:

  • Apply for Admission to UNL:
    • Please note that the enrollment deposit can be deferred if needed until the scholar’s financial aid is disbursed.
  • Make arrangements for New Student Enrollment (Orientation Day, Pre-Advising Tasks, & Your Advising Appointment):
    • Please note that WHT scholars must enroll in the WHT First-Year Seminar (EDPS 097) and one additional WHT course during Fall semester. Please make sure your academic advisor knows you are a WHT scholar when creating your class schedule. For your convenience, the WHT Fall 2024 Course List is under the "Academics" tab.
  • Contract with University Housing and Dining Services (if you plan to live in the residence halls):
    • Please note that first-year WHT scholars who choose to live on campus stay in the WHT residential learning community in Harper Hall unless they receive permission from the WHT Director to live in the Honors LC (Knoll) or East Campus (Massengale).
    • WHT scholars are welcome to invite their preferred roommate to live with them in Harper Hall regardless of whether or not their roommate is a Buffett scholarship recipient.
  • Watch for a follow-up email message from me to schedule a summer Zoom consultation with a WHT Program Coordinator:
    • If you would rather have a phone call or in-person visit, we’re happy to accommodate that request.

Feel free to contact us at with any questions. Once again, congratulations and welcome to the William H. Thompson Scholars Learning Community!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!

Warm regards,

Jocelyn Bullock, Director

Preston Phelps, Assistant Director

Precious Loving-Afuh, Assistant Director

Fern Covarrubias, Program Coordinator

Alonzo Whaley, Program Coordinator 

Aras Shakir, Program Coordinator 

Kat Krutak-Bickert, Program Coordinator 

Alejandro Diaz, Program Coordinator 

Karen Reynolds, Administrative Coordinator