Volunteer Opportunities

Below are some locations in the Lincoln area that would love to have your help.


The Bay – 2005 Y Street - https://www.thebay.org

  • About The Bay:  The Bay is a skate park, coffee shop, and a place for community and mentoring for children and young adults in the community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Cleaning the coffee shop, helping with food distribution on Saturdays, mentoring, and participating in Skate for Change which uses skateboards to distribute supplies to homeless people in the downtown area.
  • How to volunteer: Fill out the volunteer form on their website here https://www.thebay.org
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: McKenzie at mackenzie@thebay.org
  • Time Commitment: There are one-time or ongoing volunteer opportunities.


Belmont Rec Center – 1234 Judson St. - http://lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/belmont/ 

  • About the Belmont Rec Center: The Belmont Rec Center provides before and after school programs for boys and girls in the community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Interacting with boys and girls at the rec center before or after school.  Play basketball with 6th – 12th grade boys on Thursday nights 5:00 – 8:00.  
  • How to volunteer: Fill out the volunteer application AND the background check form.  Background checks take about 1 to 2 weeks to process so plan ahead in your volunteering. Both the application and background check form can be found here under “All Volunteer Downloads” http://lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/volunteer/index.htm
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Jerry Taylor at jtaylor@lincoln.ne.gov
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer at Belmont Rec but to develop relationships with the boys and girls in the community it is best to make a commitment to volunteering regularly.   


The Bike Kitchen - 1635 S. 1st Street - http://www.lincolnbikekitchen.org/ 

  • About The Bike Kitchen:  The Bike Kitchen repairs bikes to give away free to the community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: The Bike Kitchen needs help with scraping, repairing, and giving away bikes. They are open to volunteer Mondays 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm and Sundays 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm.
  • How to volunteer: If interested in volunteering or if you have questions about volunteering opportunities contact the Bike Kitchen at info@lincolnbikekitchen.org.
  • Time Commitment: Volunteering opportunities are one time or on going although they prefer volunteers make a commitment over several months.  There is some training involved.


Bryan Health - https://www.bryanhealth.com/volunteer/

  • About Bryan Health:  Bryan Health provides medical support to the Lincoln community. There are two locations: 1600 S. 48th St & 2300 S. 16th St.  
  • Volunteering opportunities: Bryan Health has various volunteering opportunities including clerical services, delivery services and family support services.
  • How to volunteer: To volunteer fill out the online application, immunization history form, parental consent form (if under 19) and call to set up and interview at 402-481-3032. Applications and forms found here https://www.bryanhealth.com/volunteer/ under “Apply to Become a Volunteer”  
  • Time Commitment: Volunteering at Bryan Health requires a minimum 3 consecutive month commitment.


Center for People – 3901 N. 27th St.   Centerforpeople.org    https://app.initlive.com/JE/8nkhl5g1pn8sxz   

  • About Center for People: Center for People is here to assist low-income families gain economic independence. From the immediate need of weekly food, to providing training and education, we provide a safe, fun environment! 
  • Volunteering opportunities: Our People's Pantry is set up like a grocery store. From greeting families, restocking, assisting shoppers, sorting and collecting carts. There is something for everyone. We also have our computer lab, education area and ELL classes that need volunteers. 
  • How to volunteer: Go this link and create a profile and sign up for shifts. 
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Joy Bradford 402-476-4357 Ext 7   email at jbradford@centerforpeople.org
  • Time Commitment: This is a one-time or ongoing opportunity. Come by yourself, with a friend, or schedule a group volunteering event by contacting Joy Bradford.


Community Crops – 1301 S. 11th St. - https://communitycrops.org/ 

  • About Community Crops: Community Crops provides small plots of land for gardens (for a small fee) along with seeds, tools, water, and education programs to grow healthy, local food.
  • Volunteering Opportunities: Opportunities include fall and spring plant bed clean up, assisting with gardens, planting, and irrigation systems.  They also need help sorting seeds and administrative tasks in the office.
  • How to Volunteer: Contact Andrina at volunteers@communitycrops.org for a short orientation.  After completing the orientation volunteers are added to a list to receive emails regarding volunteer opportunities.
  • Time Commitment: Volunteering opportunities are one-time or ongoing.



F Street Rec Center – 1225 F Street - http://lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/fstreet/ 

  • About the F Street Rec Center: The F Street Rec Center provides after school programs for boys and girls in the community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Interacting with boys and girls in the rec center after school.  Play basketball with 6th – 12th grade boys on Thursday nights 5:00 – 8:00.  
  • How to volunteer: Fill out the volunteer application AND the background check form.  Background checks take about 1 to 2 weeks to process so plan ahead in your volunteering. Both the application and background check form can be found here under “All Volunteer Downloads” http://lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/volunteer/index.htm
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Doug Kasparek at dkasparek@lincoln.ne.gov
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer at the F Street Rec Center but to develop relationships with the boys and girls in the community it is best to make a commitment to volunteering regularly.   


Friendship Home - https://friendshiphome.org 

  • About Friendship Home: From their website “Friendship Home exists to support, shelter and advocate for victims of domestic violence and their children”.
  • Volunteering Opportunities: Opportunities include volunteering as a Children’s Advocate spending Monday and Tuesday evenings with children while parents attend group meetings.  A Children’s Match volunteer spends time with one child taking them on outings such as to museums or bowling. There are also opportunities to help clean the building, decorate units for new families moving in, and organizing donations. They have two special events during the year – Stuff the Bus and Safe Quarters.
  • How to volunteer: To volunteer fill out the volunteer application here https://friendshiphome.org/how-you-can-help/volunteer/.  Positions require a background check.  The Children’s Advocate positon requires an interview and 2 hours of training. The Children’s Match position requires a valid driver’s license, driving course and insurance.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Rainey Hull at raineyh@friendshiphome.org
  • Time Commitment: Volunteering as a Children’s Advocate or Children’s Match are on-going and require a commitment to volunteering regularly.  Other volunteering opportunities may be one time.


Habitat for Humanity – 4615 Orchard St. - http://lincolnhabitat.org/

  • About Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity builds affordable housing for the Lincoln community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Opportunities include interior and exterior painting, installing drywall and siding and raising walls. No experience required.
  • How to volunteer: Sign up to volunteer on their website here http://lincolnhabitat.org/get-involved/volunteer/volunteer-overview.html. Volunteering requires signing a waiver and watching a short video.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Dani Vallis at dvallis@lincolnhabitat.org
  • Time Commitment: This is a one-time volunteer opportunity.


Lighthouse – 2601 N St. - https://lincolnlighthouse.org/ 

  • About Lighthouse: The Lighthouse provides after school programs and evening meals for middle school and high school aged boys and girls.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Volunteering primarily involves spending time with those at Lighthouse.  Lighthouse has a game room, indoor gym and homework room.  They have sewing, gardening, and health and nutrition classes.  They serve nightly meals.
  • How to volunteer: To volunteer contact Falah Alhirez falah.alhirez@lincolnlighthouse.org to set up a time to meet, fill out an application, complete a background check and orientation (in all it takes about 1 ½ hours).
  • Time Commitment: Volunteering at Lighthouse requires a minimum commitment of 15 hours and at least 1 month.


Lincoln Children’s Museum – 1420 P St.- http://www.lincolnchildrensmuseum.org/ 

  • About Lincoln Children’s Museum: From their website “Lincoln Children's Museum invites children to create, discover and learn through the power of play”.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Volunteering primarily involves acting as a “playologist” and interacting with children visiting the museum. Help is also needed birthday parties and tearing down and setting up for special events. 
  • How to volunteer: To volunteer complete the online application found on their website under the “About Us” tab and take into museum along with your driver’s license or ID card. The position requires a background check.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Avery Martin at amartin@lincolnchildrensmuseum.org
  • Time Commitment: There is no time commitment for volunteering.

If interested in volunteering or if you have questions, please contact Avery Martin at 477-4000 ex. 105 or amartin@lincolnchildrensmuseum.org.

The Lincoln’s Children’s Museum is approximately 1 mile from Harper Hall on 14th & P Street. It is located next to Noodles and Company and is approximately a 20 minute walk from Harper Hall.


Lincoln Parks and Recreation – http://www.lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/volunteer/index.htm 

  • About Lincoln Parks and Rec: Lincoln Parks and Rec maintains the cities many parks, trails, recreation centers and golf courses and provides various events for the community.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Help maintain parks and trails around the community by picking up litter, planting trees, mulching, and helping with pollinator beds. Every 3rd Saturday of the month (except December/January) there are opportunities to volunteer for park cleanup at a pre-selected park. List of dates and parks can be found here http://www.lincoln.ne.gov/city/parks/volunteer/index.htm.
  • How to volunteer:  To volunteer fill out the volunteer application form found on the website and return to Lincoln Parks and Recreation. If volunteering at pre-selected park cleanup site register by emailing parksvolunteers@lincoln.ne.gov and bring the volunteer application form with you.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: parksvolunteers@lincoln.ne.gov
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer.


Malone Center – 2032 U St.- https://www.malonecenter.org/ 

  • About the Malone Center: From their website “The Malone Community Center mission is to honor and strengthen the African American community in Lincoln and Lancaster County by serving as a cornerstone for educational, cultural, and advocacy programs for all people”.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Provide academic support and mentoring primarily after school to the youth attending the Malone Center primarily. There are also opportunities to volunteer for special events.
  • How to volunteer: Fill out the contact us online form found here https://www.malonecenter.org/contact/ if you are interested in volunteering at an upcoming event. A background check is required and may take a week or two to complete.
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer but to develop relationships with the boys and girls in the community it is best to make a commitment to volunteering regularly.


Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach – 2121 N. 27th St. - http://www.mtko.org/ 

  • About Matt Talbot: From their website “Everyone is welcome to walk through our open doors and get a hot meal two times a day. Nevertheless, Matt Talbot is about much more than food”.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Small serving opportunities available at lunch and dinner for small groups.  They also need assistance with maintenance and landscaping around the building and administrative assistance. There are also opportunities to read to children or provide entertainment during meals.
  • How to volunteer: Fill out and submit the volunteer application here http://www.mtko.org/volunteer/apply/volunteeroverview.html.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Victoria O’Neil at victoria.oneil@mtko.org
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer.


People’s City Mission – 110 Q Street - https://pcmlincoln.org/ 

  • About People’s City Mission: From their website “People’s City Mission was founded in 1907 to help struggling folks get back on their feet. For over one hundred years, we have assisted more than one million men, women, and children suffering from homelessness and poverty – people struggling with chemical addictions, fleeing domestic abuse, mental illness, divorce, abandonment, unemployment, and other life crises”.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Opportunities include serving meals, making sack lunches, helping to deliver sack lunches to homeless individuals in the downtown area, working in the daycare and helping with maintenance and landscaping around the building.
  • How to volunteer: Fill out and submit the volunteer application here https://pcmlincoln.org/get-involved/#volunteer.
  • Time Commitment: There is no time commitment for volunteering.


Pioneers Park Nature Center – 3201 S. Coddington - http://lincoln.ne.gov/City/parks/naturecenter/index.htm 

  • About Pioneers Park Nature Center: From their website “Since 1963 the Nature Center has served the Lincoln area as an environmental education center and wildlife sanctuary”.
  • Volunteering opportunities: Opportunities include seed collection and Prairie Run in the fall and Wild Adventures and Earth Day Clean Up in the spring.  The date for Wild Adventures is to be determined. Earth Day Clean Up is April 20, 2019 9:00-11:00. Group volunteering opportunities include litter pick-up, chipping trails, plant propagation, preparing soils for planting, planting and watering, weed control. Other opportunities include prairie garden volunteers April-Jun, August-September and herb garden volunteers April-October.
  • How to volunteer:  To volunteer fill out the volunteer application form found on the website and contact Jamie Kelley at jkelley@lincoln.ne.gov or 402-441-8708.
  • Who to contact with questions or to inquire about volunteering: Jamie Kelley
  • Time Commitment: There is no required time commitment to volunteer.

For questions, please contact Preston Phelps, pprhelps2@unl.edu